Raw Beauty: Hans Vangsø & Anne Floche
Hans Vangsø was born 1950, and lives and works in Knebel, near Aarhus, Denmark. Hans Vangsø works within a Scandinavian tradition of bold simplicity. He studied at Jutland Academy of Fine Arts in Denmark and was taught by the noted Gutte Eriksen, one of the great originators of Danish studio ceramics, and his mentor. Through her, Vangsø also became inspired by the Japanese ceramic tradition, the root and soul of ceramics. The combination of great simplicity in form and rich texture in glazes, and above all, the total melting of glaze and body render his work unique. The very much alive surfaces of the glaze are obtained in the firing methods developed over years and years, as each piece is fired several times in a gas kiln with salt, seaweed, and metals.
Anne Fløche has been working with clay since she left The Academy of Fine Arts. For the last three decades from her home and workshop in Mols on the seaside of Denmark.
She has a very broadside approach to ceramics and has moved away from most ceramic conventions, taking clay into a broader environment.
She employs clays, glazes and colours freely and spontaneously, the clay being a free drawing board for ideas, forms, colours, textures and motifs.
Anne Fløcheworks with a firing temperature of 1100 degrees C, which has allowed her to develop a wide range of the Terra Sigillata colours so well suited for her rough as well as refined surfaces.
Her works are often inspired by simple architectural forms and materials, like white-washed walls or concrete.
Anne Fløche's works have been widely exhibited.